After yesterdays fun at Carbis enthusiasm was high and a good gaggle returned there hoping for some more. The early birds had some interesting flying so I hear and Wyn D and Glen F both made their first trips over the back, well done guys. As the wind began to fill life got more exciting before it blew out for Paragliders.
Kaz and myself spent the morning digging out more tree stumps before heading to St Agnes to see what was on. The wind was off to the east and brisk but flyable and with a good looking sky despite the cold it was too tempting. A swift rig saw me in the air and after a bout 15 minutes up and on my way. With the wind well off the track was along the coast to Portreath and then with a little cross winding slowly inland from North Cliffs.
A bit of sunshine makes so much difference as unlike yesterday there was lift to be found inland. Leaving my first climb a sinky glide resulted in a scratchy zero which after about 5 k turned into a weak climb before another sinky glide saw me ready to land when on final glide to my field I stumbled into a low save which blossemed into a cracker and 3.5 to 4.5 on the averager to base at 3,200, nice.
Approaching the south coast I hung a right at Townsend and played crosswind with the clouds to Long Rock where a very inviting field by the main road saw me in.
Have to say it was one of my nicest flights in Cornwall over an area I have not flown before and whats more it was not as cold as yesterday :)) Note to ones self, always put the go pro on , the views were amazing ...........
Quote of the day "It would be rude not to"
Operating in the Southwest providing tuition and sales for pilots throughout the country
Our Blog is an up to date record of what we have been up to both in the school and out of it. We endeavour to update it as regularly as possible and include a sample the days pictures when available.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Carbis Capers
The strip
Whilst the forecast looked solid enough the reality in the morning did not match up with the wind well off to the east making Carbis unflyable. Still with all the forecast for a NE backing more to the north it was the place to be and with a good number of pilots there early regular reports helped decision making for many, thanks guys.
Kaz joins in the fun
We arrived at lunchtime just as things got moving and were greeted with Wyn D high over the site and 4 or 5 others on their way up. With the start of the new XC season there was a lot of energy and enthusiasm, more than I have seen for years, making it a fun place to be. Whilst Treeve T (Hayle) set out his kit for what we hoped would be his final hill conversion flight I sneaked in a flight and found out just how sea thermic it was and in fact pretty bouncy at times....... Big Grey and Adi C made use of the conditions putting what are hopefully the first of many XC's this year as they flew into Carbis bay before drifting over the back and landing up near Tesco's, nice one's.
Dredgie up for it and Peachy just loving it
With Treeve ready I pulled out of a nice climb at around 1200' and came down to get him going. Picking a nice slot with not too many wings up Treeve did a lovely take off and got soaring nicely sharing the air with Dredgie. Conditions being what they were he bobbed up and down in the thermic lift before a sink cycle came through seeing him having to work hard to stay up. But stay up he did and with some nice flying he sat it out until the lift returned and he was back up nicely. A super top landing saw him sorted and with big smiles and lots of handshakes he joined the ranks and gives Fergi a flying buddy, that's the end of work at Procreations when flyable then!
Andy R looks down as he thermals up
With the work done it was playtime and Kaz and myself headed back up to see what we could do. Everyone had some excellent flying and with pilots trying hard it was good to see gliders circling up and making good use of the lift as it came through. Sneaking away in a thermal I climbed up and drifted away finally landing near Castle Quarry where I was swiftly retrieved by Phil L (many thanks) and back on site within the hour.
Fiona A gets some in
So this what an XC hound looks like, well done Adie ;))
So a super day for the club with 4 XC's on the board and plenty of flying to be had, special mention to Peachy who based on the forecast made the 300 mile trip to come down, glad it came good!
thanks to Andy R for the photo's - more fun tomorrow?? quite likely :)
Quote of the day "where you too numb nuts??" never a truer description !!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Very Very nice at Vault
The start of a fab' day as Kaz shares the air with me
With a variety of sites on option based on the forecast we picked to go to Vault bay having knocked towing on the head due the wind forecast to increase by early afternoon and windier in the west.
As we neared the site we could already see Bi Gray up and flying on his paraglider so things looked promising. With the wind a little off to the south we set up at the east end and got up on the Paragliders to make the most of it before the forecast wind backed and filled in. We had some cracking flying along with Big G (who had now flicked to flying his falcon hangy), Fiona A, Nigel W, Tony P and a bit later Michel all enjoying super conditions and playing around.
Nigel W joins in the fun
and climbs out
Ian C (Plymouth) turned up for a flight on the Tandem paraglider and timed it perfectly with us getting into the air quickly and having a fabulous flight in beautiful sunshine and the coast looking at it's best, Ian did a fine job of flying the glider whilst we put the world to rights and coming from a motorcycling background in Plymouth it was not long before Bill N's name came up and guess what, he knew him! With the wind filling in we opted to land at the west end and what a tippy toed one it was.
Ian C enjoys a front seat for the best view in the house
Big G has fun on his hangy
By now it was Hangy time and Kieth S (Oakhampton) led them off the hill followed by Nigel W, Kaz and finally Sam A (S Devon) who got his first flight on his new Wills Wing Sport 2 135 and looked suitably nervous at launch. 3 minutes into his flight he was checking out the hands off position and looking totally at home. So good to see him settle into his new wing and get his thoughts on it which included , "it lives up to all I hoped for" and " I learnt more in that hour than in all the time on the Am*ur"" Modern kit makes life easy :))
Team mate Michel
Everyone had a ball on there hangies and all landed at the west end with the wind now well into the twenties. Julia who lives near by wandered by to check us out and next thing she was clipped into the Hangy and up for a Tandem flight! We had a grand time floating about looking at the scenery, looking at her cottage and generally having a good chat. Really unexpected flight for her and one of those things when all the signs and the opportunity come together it would be rude to miss it.
A nice landing with the others rounded off a cracking day for all and there were plenty of happy faces as we went our separate ways, here comes summer :))
Hope to get hold of some of the Hangy piccies and will put up soon...
Quote of the day " order me one please " ...............
Friday, February 15, 2013
High Fliers
Back to the field with a light WSW forecast and the now "usual" crew along minus John but plus Keith and Ollie. We wasted no time and whilst the guys got sorted and Kaz started Ollie )Plymouth) off on his Taster day Paragliding Daisy set the winch out ready to pull through the gate giving an extra 200 meters of tow :))
It was nice to have the extra length ( bet they all say that) particularly with the very light breeze. After a quick demo flight Peter F (N Devon) was first up to continue his CPC tasks and had a great day working well into the final stages with only Asymmetrics left to go on the practical side, not bad seeing he only started in January.
Shuan S (Penzance) was also straight off to the top and had a fine day moving steadily onwards and upwards getting more comfortable with the turns as well as moving deep into his CPC. By the end of the day he was almost enjoying it! only joking.
Paddy B (Falmouth) was his normal calm self taking it all in his stride including his first flight which saw him floating about under some convergence cloud not wanting to come down. With seagulls circling above him it took a while to find some sink but we did finally get him bad. Paddy also moved well into his CPC tasks and will be up for the instability tasks next.
Todd a (Totnes) was a new man looking much more with it and putting in his final EPC flights before heading off to the top of the line and returning with a huge grin. By the end of play he was in the harness and even looked comfortable with it.
Keith W (Barnstaple) worked hard to keep up but keep up he did finishing off the day with a nice high flight to start his CPC, things should get easier from here on for him.
Last but not least Ollie having done the hard work with Kaz got his flights on the winch which despite and interesting start soon settled down and by his final one he floated along pretty as you please before releasing the line and doing a perfect landing, what a way to finish. Sorry no piccies Ollie but sure we will get plenty on your next visit ;) Whilst the guys packed up Kaz, Phil and myself extricated the truck from a mud pit which saw Phil head off to get his washing done .....
Quote of the day '... worried I wouldn't come down ..." lifes a bitch sometimes!
Going for the long one ......
It was nice to have the extra length ( bet they all say that) particularly with the very light breeze. After a quick demo flight Peter F (N Devon) was first up to continue his CPC tasks and had a great day working well into the final stages with only Asymmetrics left to go on the practical side, not bad seeing he only started in January.
Peter F heads off to the top
Shuan S (Penzance) was also straight off to the top and had a fine day moving steadily onwards and upwards getting more comfortable with the turns as well as moving deep into his CPC. By the end of the day he was almost enjoying it! only joking.
Shaun S floats back in after a high one
Paddy B (Falmouth) was his normal calm self taking it all in his stride including his first flight which saw him floating about under some convergence cloud not wanting to come down. With seagulls circling above him it took a while to find some sink but we did finally get him bad. Paddy also moved well into his CPC tasks and will be up for the instability tasks next.
Todd a (Totnes) was a new man looking much more with it and putting in his final EPC flights before heading off to the top of the line and returning with a huge grin. By the end of play he was in the harness and even looked comfortable with it.
Todd release on his first trip to the top
Keith W (Barnstaple) worked hard to keep up but keep up he did finishing off the day with a nice high flight to start his CPC, things should get easier from here on for him.
Kieth W finishes off his turns before his first high flight
Last but not least Ollie having done the hard work with Kaz got his flights on the winch which despite and interesting start soon settled down and by his final one he floated along pretty as you please before releasing the line and doing a perfect landing, what a way to finish. Sorry no piccies Ollie but sure we will get plenty on your next visit ;) Whilst the guys packed up Kaz, Phil and myself extricated the truck from a mud pit which saw Phil head off to get his washing done .....
Quote of the day '... worried I wouldn't come down ..." lifes a bitch sometimes!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Doubling up at Perran
Maiden flight in the UK for Sam A's new Wills Wing Sport 2 135
A breezy morning proved to be ideal giving me time to build Sam A (Devon) newly arrived Wills Wing Sport 2 135 Hang Glider and sort out the paperwork before heading out to Perranporth just after lunch.
It was still breezy enough in the high twenties but by the time we had introduced sam to his new wing and how to rig it things looked do able. Also out to play was jerry E down from Southampton hoping to do a Tandem flight, Sam J (N.Devon) hoping to complete his tandem rating on the hangy and Phil L hoping to fly! So with two Sam's, two Sport 2's and two tandems (does that get squared) it was a busy enough afternoon and one where you really wanted to get the names right.
First up i test flew sam a's new wing and boy do I love flying these gliders, having established all was well put her through her paces showing sam a few of the things she is capable of before popping her back in on top in what were not smooth conditions.
Nice Cornish colours on Sam's glider
Having tested the air Jerry came up on the Tandem for a cracking flight in super lift giving Jerry the chance to fly the wing and get a great feel of what Hang Gliding is all about. With his knowledge of kiting, model glider flying and a variety of other sports it all made sense to Jerry who quickly got the knack of flying the wing. Top landing was fine and with a good ground crew to help us life was easy.
Nice :)
By now Phil L had plucked up the courage to give it a go (or maybe the wind eased a fraction) and had a super flight playing in the abundant lift before putting in a good landing back on top.
Quote of the day "Awesome'
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Kaz gets to go on the bike before Phil commandeers it (along with the camera)
A light wind day saw us head to the field where the sheep had given it a good grass cut leaving it like a bowling green, all be it as lightly messy one.
The day started with the wind being light and fickle so whilst Kaz got the Paragliding students going I spent some time with Triston J (Torquay) introducing him to his new Dudek Synthesis 31paramotoring wing. With the wind still not settled enough to set the winch out Triston got ready and it was not long before he was off on his first flight on his new wing. The very light wind and faster wing gave him a good run but he got off cleanly and proceeded to have a super flight getting used to the more sporty feel of the wing compared to the training ones.
Surrendering to the power
With the wind making its mind up we set out the winch as the Paramotor buzzed overhead and the guys got set to tow. Triston came in for a super stand up landing dealing with the extra speed and glide well making it all look far to easy :)
Triston just loves it
The guys got going on the winch with Kieth W who we taught some four years ago getting back into the air for some refresher training after a long lay off and making a pretty good job of it too.. Next off was Todd A (Totnes) back for his second day with us followed by Peter F (N.Devon) on day four, Shaun S (Penzance) on his second day and last but not least Paddy B (Falmouth) on his third.
Paddy bundles a bundle
Kieth W gets back in the air after a long lay off
Everyone made steady progress through until lunch time when we took a well earned break for hot soup and tea. Triston refuelled and refreshed went up for a second flight on the Paramotor and had another cracking flight playing around for a goof 40 minutes before coming back in in zero wind conditions and pulling off a very acceptable landing despite the speed of it, yes he stayed on his feet again!
Todd does an impression, you decide........ possibly a Morris dancer
The wind went fickle again so we held fire on the towing but it was not long before it did a 180 and filled to a very pleasant light breeze making things easy and we got going again. The tows rattled up and the guys worked steadily through their tasks until we called a halt at 17.10 in order to get the kit away before dark. Keith was back in the groove, Todd moved well into his EPC, Shaun had a blinder and completed his EPC tasks finishing the day with a high flight, Peter F moved nicely into his CPC tasks and also managed to complete his EPC exam (congratulations) and Paddy finished off his EPC tasks and moved nicely into his CPC with 3 high flights.
Pete F comes in after another high flight
Triston was his usual beaming self and is now waiting for the delivery of his new Parajet power unit which should be a few weeks with a bit of luck. Kaz put away 40 tows on the winch and thanks to Phil for the help in bike riding and piccy taking, yes that was piccy not p*ss........ but there was some of that as well.
Phil shows his autistic side , sorry artistic
Saturday, February 09, 2013
The Frostbite Day One
Test flying Pat B's rebuilt glider, guess will have to do it again sometime !
With a late call on an improving forecast the Kernow HPA frostbite comp' was called for Perranporth with a 10.30 brief. Arriving at 09.15 the wind was smack on and low 20's seeing a few Paragliders up playing with the top end conditions. It did not take long to get the T2 rigged and skoot up and down the ridge to find suitable turn points for ridge run.
By 10.30 there were plenty on site and with a slightly lighter breeze a good number of paragliders up and playing. Those on the ground got the full briefing outlining the Spot landing and ridge race tasks before the window opened and things got going.
Claryfing the finer points of the tasks in french
The hangies were first to set off on the ridge race with those that were rigged keen to get going as the wind was forecast to drop and back. The scorers/flight controllers did a fine job as a stream of hangies and paras got off the ground and out on task. The forecast drop in the wind soon arrived seeing a number of both disciplines on the beach for some shell collecting and making those in the air more cautious! It was not long though and the breeze returned and hangies and paras were sharing the air again and that was repeated once or twice more for some, me included.
Paragliders join in the fun
Well done to Treeve T for popping five hill conversion flights on his Paraglider four of them landing back on top as things quietened down a bit and thanks to Adi C and Phil L (mainly Phil) for the entertainment as they tried out my Ozone Delta .........
By the end of play there were plenty of scores on the board and some spot on spot landings by the Paragliders whilst the Hangies were not quite so accurate ........ with the wind back again Geoff B and Greg E flew until dark on their hangies over the now deserted cliffs

These weren't the only skid marks for the day but the only ones we can show !
A cracking day with both disciplines mixing well and the loose organisation working well. Great to see Nick Collins on his Atos VR cruising around and making the most of whatever lift was around and then entertaining us with his landing approaches, ohh and thanks for letting us have the windsock back!
Only one incident of note when Pat B nearly wiped out the entire scoring team resulting in a few breakages but fortunately not to any of the aforementioned. Huge thanks to evreryone who helped out in one form or another and to all that came along to play.
Scores are here
Quote of the day "nice dancing"
Thursday, February 07, 2013
Sunrise at Sennen
Every picture tells a story
Ok so the forecast reckoned the wind would back, ease and the rain come in just after midday so it was an early start to catch the best of it. Phil L arrived at 07.15 and we were loaded and on our way before half past. Hangy Dave was also up early and heading to Sennen armed with his new Wills Wing Sport 2 155 ready for his maiden flight on her.
The "repaired" Truck caused a slight delay as the new radiator sprung a leak ........ still armed with plenty of water we pressed on arriving at 08.15 to find the wind nicely on at a steady 22 -24, ideal :)
Dave was not far behind us arriving just as Kaz finished rigging and wasted no time in getting his new toy out. 08.45 and Kaz was up and away into cracking lift seeing her climb out to 500' in minutes. Phil quickly joined her and they played around like a couple of novice fighter pilots chasing each other around the sky. With Dave's new wing rigged and checked I got my chance to give her a test flight :)) boy I love flying these wings...... 10 minutes was enough to confirm all was well so it was back down to hand her over to her new owner.
Dave sets off on his maiden flight
Suitably nervous (well cacking himself actually) Dave stood at launch, a deep breath and he was away making a perfect launch. He need not have worried as he climbed out to join the other two and explore his new wing. It did not take him long to settle in and soon he was looking relaxed and enjoying it.
Kaz on finals
The guys share the skies
Refreshed and warmed up they all went for a second flight as conditions just eased back a tadge. Dave practised 360's tightening them up bit by bit and loving it. Meanwhile the terrible twins moved onto stall turns with varying degrees of success ..........
Dave rounds off a super morning
All three made great top landings and time for another culpa whilst i sneaked a flight on Kaz's wing. With the wind on the back Phil gave ii one more go to prove conditions were not so good and made good use of his new found "skill" to help out on approach to the now shrinking beach.
So it was time to go and with the front coming in our timing was good getting home just as the rain arrived.
Quote of the day "Rome was not built in a day, nor were stall turns"
Saturday, February 02, 2013
Hanging out at St Agnes
Stewart T takes off on the Tandem hangy
With a cracking forecast hopes were high for some good flying at St Agnes with a moderate Northerly on the cards and unstable air to match. Well as it turned out the latter part was right but the breeze somewhat brisker than forecast blowing 30 plus in the morning.
Whilst the braver headed out there we waited at home and measured Mark H (Devon) up for a new Wills Wing Flylite 3 harness which a refined Cocoon type making a revival, well to be fair they have always been pretty popular in the States.
With everything indicating the breeze beginning to drop we headed out after lunch picking up Stewart H and Carys (London) on the way (from Redruth) who was down for the weekend and hoping to have a Tandem flight on the Hangy as his 30th birthday present. On arrival it was breezy enough but not that bad and whilst the guys who had been there a few hours sat and watched we began to rig hangies as quick as we could. The collective negativity cracked and more hangies came off roof racks and emerged like butterflies from their cocoons.
Classic Sea Thermic sky as we fly high
The speed wings get in the air as we fly above
Cracking end to a cracking flight and big smiles
Whilst there was still enough day light left Phil L took the opportunity to come up with me for a reccie flight of St Agnes having not flown there before to get the lay off the land (and the sea) in preparation for when he does.
So a fun day as it turned out, shame it was a bit windy early on resulting in a few missing out but there will be other days, lets hope it's similar for the Frostbite planned for next week end ;) Thanks to Carys for the piccies.
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