It was Carbis bay for hill conversions and tandems and although the wind was forecast to the north actually it was more on than we expected although breezier than forecast at a low to mid twenties.
We got things going with a cracking tandem flight on the hangy with Oli who is down on holiday for the week to celebrate his birthday and what a good week he has chosen weather wise. Oli had a fun time taking in the views, flying the glider and generally just soaking up the whole experience. Maybe as he only lives in Devon we may see him again sometime........
Next "off " was Kaz who confirmed the need for good airspeed control at take off to deal with the bumpy bit by putting her shortest ever flight yet... Still no harm done and a valuable lesson learnt along with drumming the message home to Said who had come back to us to do his hill conversion.
Said was next to go and got away fine to enjoy as super soaring flight in classic conditions for 30 minutes before popping back in on top for an acceptable landing. With Paul h, Gay J and Graham M all joining in the fun on their hangers Kaz was soon back in the saddle and had a lovely flight putting in a super demonstration landing for Said.
After a short rest said was off again for his second flight and looked much smoother as he now mixed it with a couple of Paragliders that got airborne as the wind eased back a little. Another top landing see's him one more flight away from his qualification, hopefully tomorrow.
Paul W who had patiently waited all day whilst Shaun cracked after only 4 hours was quick to get the Paraglider out as the wind dropped along with the sun. 15 minutes of ground work allowed the wind to become sensible for him and after a demo flight by Kaz he was off and away for his first hill soaring flight. He did a fine job and was soon joined by Kaz who kept him company until the light began to fade when they both came in for nice top landings.
Sorry to Trev and Shaun and Bob for missing it but your days will come!