The forecast was for a lovely day and a lovely day we had although not as warm as in Lanzarote (18-20 degrees) it was sunny and crisp in the field.
With Adrian A coming down from Gloucester for the day and Trev H from Torquay both on the hangers the weather did interfere a little as it was considerably colder to the east giving us a slightly later start.
Still we got going by lunchtime and soon the guys were hard at it being joined by Shaun W (Camborne) on a Paraglider. The wind flicked about as did us moving the winch from the "Hay Bale" filed to through the gates as required giving some nice high tows for Trev and Shaun.
Adrian worked steadily getting back into it and by the end of the day was looking more confident with his turns and landings coming together well.
Trev did a fine job polishing off his CPC flying tasks with slow flight appreciation and stalls along with a couple of spot landings.
Shaun as steady as ever also finished his CPC flying tasks on the Paraglider with Big Ears and Asymmetrics before just enjoying some lovely flights.
Well done guys and good to see Cpt Kev back out on the winch and obtaining his NVQ level one in sheep management. Hope to see some hill days soon to get the guys out and up there.