A ray of sunshine in a chilly week saw us out in the tow field on what was a lovely day making us feel privileged to live and work in such a super place. Unfortunately a combination of student illness and ailments saw us down to only one but what a super day they had.
Shaun W (Camborne) came along to start his Paragliding course and had 1 to 1 tuition in the morning as he worked through the basics and then in the afternoon Tim joined us on the winch giving a student to instructor ratio of 2 to 1 !
With that kind of attention it was no wonder that Shaun progressed well putting away 8 flights and moving through release flights and into 100's by the end of the day. We had an early finish as the sun dropped behind the clouds and the temperature dropped but having already put two days worth in we were well ahead.
"That's the best day ever" was the quote so must have done something right !
Operating in the Southwest providing tuition and sales for pilots throughout the country
Our Blog is an up to date record of what we have been up to both in the school and out of it. We endeavour to update it as regularly as possible and include a sample the days pictures when available.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Wild Wednesday
Keenness is always a good thing and Martin H was keen to get his hill soaring underway having been trying to learn for over 5 years and finally ending up with us, is that a compliment or not ?? Any way based on a possible forecast he made the journey down from Bristol to meet us at Perranporth. The showers were heavier than forecast so we remained inside the van catching up on a bit of theory and checking out Mike C's CPC exam, which he passed, well done Mike and hoping for the rain to stop.
It did and we were out rigging in no time. After a quick flight test to check conditions Martin was clipped in and ready to go. Steve M was already in the air on his Paraglider showing there was plenty of lift under the dark clouds. Martin did a super take off and was soon up there soaring the ridge in fine style. Settling into prone easily he smoothed out to enjoy the experience and almost looked relaxed! As the next shower approached he came in to perform a perfect top landing just before the wind picked up and the rain returned.
It did and we were out rigging in no time. After a quick flight test to check conditions Martin was clipped in and ready to go. Steve M was already in the air on his Paraglider showing there was plenty of lift under the dark clouds. Martin did a super take off and was soon up there soaring the ridge in fine style. Settling into prone easily he smoothed out to enjoy the experience and almost looked relaxed! As the next shower approached he came in to perform a perfect top landing just before the wind picked up and the rain returned.
Back into the van for a debrief and congratulation coffee whilst the dampness passed. Unfortunately whilst it did stop raining the wind veered to the North stopping play. Still one soaring flight knocked off another two and he is sorted, lets hope it's soon.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Towing Tuesday
The lovely weather continued and we made the most of it with a cracking day in the tow field where plenty was going on. The Hangy boys were out in force with Adrian A (Gloucester) and Rob S (Devoran) being joined by Trev H (Paignton) whilst Mike C (Perranwell) held up the Paragliders end.
Adrian and Rob did well working deep into their EPC's and finishing off the day with release flights and gentle turns and big smiles. Trev had a super day moving onto the Mars , higher flights and bigger turns to arrive nicely at the end of his EPC flying tasks by the end of the day.
Mike got back into towing and had a go at Asymmetrics and generally enjoyed the sunshine between flights. It was a happy bunch by the end of play all looking forward to the next one.
Adrian and Rob did well working deep into their EPC's and finishing off the day with release flights and gentle turns and big smiles. Trev had a super day moving onto the Mars , higher flights and bigger turns to arrive nicely at the end of his EPC flying tasks by the end of the day.
Mike got back into towing and had a go at Asymmetrics and generally enjoyed the sunshine between flights. It was a happy bunch by the end of play all looking forward to the next one.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Another lovely Monday
A week to the day Adrian A (Gloucester) returned to continue his hang gliding EPC and was joined by Rob S (Devoran) who was on day one of his, yes the same Rob that saw us at Vault last week.
The guys had a cracking day with Rob working through the ground work during the morning session then getting going on the winch after lunch. They both put away 10 flights in total and moved through initial low flights into untethered 20' by the end of the day and even put in some good landings! As the sun got lower two very happy if a little tired guys packed up looking forward to a nice bath and more of the same tomorrow.
Kaz sneaked off with Bill to enjoy some nice hill soaring at Carbis making it two days on the trot at that site.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Hanging about at Vault
We headed to vault bay to hopefully catch a slot as the wind backed and increased. Whilst we had to wait a little it did do as predicted and although to breezy for paragliders we had a fun time on the hangers.
Paul H (Red Baron) put in some more time and development on his seated Falcon having great fun and looking so relaxed. gay J let me fly her Sport2 135 and what a toy it is before having a go herself and zooming around the sky. Then i managed a quick fly on Kaz's eagle 145 to finish off the day. All very nice.
Mike c came along to check out the site and Rob turned up to discuss taking up hang Gliding in addition to his paragliding and looked pretty convinced by what he saw so we hope to get him started soon.
Paul H (Red Baron) put in some more time and development on his seated Falcon having great fun and looking so relaxed. gay J let me fly her Sport2 135 and what a toy it is before having a go herself and zooming around the sky. Then i managed a quick fly on Kaz's eagle 145 to finish off the day. All very nice.
Mike c came along to check out the site and Rob turned up to discuss taking up hang Gliding in addition to his paragliding and looked pretty convinced by what he saw so we hope to get him started soon.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunny Monday
We were due a bit of good weather and boy did we get it. In the tow filed it was like summer with light winds and plenty of sunshine getting us down to T shirts for a lot of the time.
Adrian A (Gloucester) was along for a go at hang Gliding having tried it back in the late 70's and had a good day working through the basics before getting onto the tow line and putting in some nice first flights although some work is still required on the landings.... Things have changed over 30 years and he was impressed at how much safer and controlled the training is and just how much easier it is on the tow line, he will be back soon i think.
Graham H (N.Devon) came along for a taster day of paramotoring and also had a fun time playing with the paraglider doing really well and putting away 3 super flights getting up to 60' whilst cruising 200m across the field before performing nice stand up landings. To round off his day we introduced him to a power unit, strapped it onto his back and gave him the feel of what is to come should he pursue the sport. a quick demonstration flight showed him how it all works to and seemed to convince him it was the way to go.
Trevor H (Paignton) made a showing and had a great time on the Hanger moving deeper into his EPC with release flights and gentle turns as well as sweetening up his landings so big smile from him.
Good to see Bill N along being as helpful as ever and thanks to winchman Graham M for doing a fine job with the "sticks". It was nice to be back in the field after a bit of a break and lets hope for more of the same soon.
Adrian A (Gloucester) was along for a go at hang Gliding having tried it back in the late 70's and had a good day working through the basics before getting onto the tow line and putting in some nice first flights although some work is still required on the landings.... Things have changed over 30 years and he was impressed at how much safer and controlled the training is and just how much easier it is on the tow line, he will be back soon i think.
Graham H (N.Devon) came along for a taster day of paramotoring and also had a fun time playing with the paraglider doing really well and putting away 3 super flights getting up to 60' whilst cruising 200m across the field before performing nice stand up landings. To round off his day we introduced him to a power unit, strapped it onto his back and gave him the feel of what is to come should he pursue the sport. a quick demonstration flight showed him how it all works to and seemed to convince him it was the way to go.
Trevor H (Paignton) made a showing and had a great time on the Hanger moving deeper into his EPC with release flights and gentle turns as well as sweetening up his landings so big smile from him.
Good to see Bill N along being as helpful as ever and thanks to winchman Graham M for doing a fine job with the "sticks". It was nice to be back in the field after a bit of a break and lets hope for more of the same soon.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
New Toy
With Wednesday looking like the only slot this week we set out to make the most of it. By 08.30 we were at Carbis bay to hopefully catch the breeze before it backed and eased. Too late it was already off to the west so we headed to Perranporth where guess what, it was off to the North.
Still patience is a virtue and as Gary V had just taken delivery of his new Ozone Buzz Z3 we got it out checked it over and played ground handing despite a strange wind direction. Malin L joined us to hopefully complete his hill work and joined in the fun.
Slowly the wind came on the hill although always very light and a few took off and sneaked in some airtime followed by slope landings. Finally pretty much as soon as Malin had to leave it filled in and backed up with some nice sea thermals Gary got in the air on his new wing. He enjoyed a lovely flight in up and down conditions finding the Z3 just the ticket.
Nice to get flying back in the UK and hopefully the weather will improve soon ......
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Fantastico Finalio and more best evers!!
So the last day of our trip dawned bright and blue and with a good forecast for Lijar. light SE. Everyone was up early as we needed stuff packed so we could fly as late as possible then grab the kit and head to the airport. We were first up the hill and first off the hill with the guys all doing excellent demo flights for Fly Spains new class of students.
The first flight were pretty much downers but all good practice and Michelle managed to stretch it out with some ridge soaring whilst Cathy did it with some gentle thermalling. We got a quick turnround in and were back on top before most of the other groups were even up there one flight ahead.
The guys opted to wait for a bit for things to warm up so we ate lunch and watched the fun. By early afternoon it was looking good so it was take off time as gliders climbed in the thermals. Michelle made the most of it as usual having a cracking flight then top landing and doing it all over again with a big smile on his face. The guys and girls had a ball all doing us proud with good launches despite quite a bit of pressure from the assembled masses (over 90 pilots were on site).
Conditions were excellent and soon we had pilots all over the sky thermalling away. trying to keep tabs on them was a full time job but as time went by they were all sorted. Lisa had a fine time practicing her thermalling and finding herself a nice quiet bit of sky. Wanda remembered how to fly and thermalled away with Mark way out front occasionally joined by Barry and Chris as they wafted by. Even Kaz and myself got in on the action and had some cracking flying joining the other pilots, I managed to team up with Michelle and we made a valiant push to twin peaks being within spitting distance as land by time approached. Another 30 minutes would have seen it but we did not want to push our luck too hard!
Landing by the tree everyone was bouncing especially Chris and Barry who both upgraded their best ever flights for the 3rd time in the trip!
It was a fantastic day to end the holiday on with conditions as good as they get. We headed back to the house then it was off to the airport where things went nearly according to plan although Easy jet pulled the old "Oh it's Sports equipment trick" putting a slight damper on it.
So ended Algo' 2010 and what a beauty it was with 19 days flying out of 22 and the majority of the pilots achieving personal bests and everyones flying progressing in one form or another.
Thanks to all who came along hope you all had a good time one way or another and thanks for your your help in making it such a good time. Next year is provisionally booked so get your names in quick..........
Playing Patience and electric chairs
It was another hot one with no cloud at all and a light east wind forecast. The choice was between Lijar and montellano and we opted for Lijar. On arrival on top there was a brisk easterly although it was a warm one. The guys played stone building whilst the girls practised yoga followed by trget practice on the guys stone piles!
Slowly the wind came more to the south and Michelle went to practice some ground handling which resulted in him launching and having a rough ride down. He dissapered from sight then came on the radio to say he had landed by the house.
Another hour or so and things got better and the guys gave it a shot with Barry doing best working thermals over the Ronda road. Dredgy got a good bouncing in a loose harness but survived it ok and a lesson learnt. The girls got ready to go and after a wait for the conditions to flick on again Cathy and Lise got away fine. Cathy enjoyed a float down along with a bit of turbulence whilst Lisa took the honours for the day with some super thermalling on her way down only pulling out as she drifted off to the east and towards Algo.
Kaz had headed down and searched the area by the house for Michelle only to find it was not the house but the barn in the normal landing field where Michelle was, still no worries we got them all in the end. We headed back up the hill meeting several groups who had returned from Montellano where it had been light and off as well so six of one and half a dozen of the other. Conditions on top were not good so we enjoyed a stunning sunset and headed down.
Slowly the wind came more to the south and Michelle went to practice some ground handling which resulted in him launching and having a rough ride down. He dissapered from sight then came on the radio to say he had landed by the house.
Another hour or so and things got better and the guys gave it a shot with Barry doing best working thermals over the Ronda road. Dredgy got a good bouncing in a loose harness but survived it ok and a lesson learnt. The girls got ready to go and after a wait for the conditions to flick on again Cathy and Lise got away fine. Cathy enjoyed a float down along with a bit of turbulence whilst Lisa took the honours for the day with some super thermalling on her way down only pulling out as she drifted off to the east and towards Algo.
Kaz had headed down and searched the area by the house for Michelle only to find it was not the house but the barn in the normal landing field where Michelle was, still no worries we got them all in the end. We headed back up the hill meeting several groups who had returned from Montellano where it had been light and off as well so six of one and half a dozen of the other. Conditions on top were not good so we enjoyed a stunning sunset and headed down.
The day nearly ended with a shock when Dredgy and Mark were on a clothing retrieval mission involving a long metal pole and some electric cables, Algo was very nearly plunged into darkness !
Team meal in JJ's then most took an early night as it looks like a long day tomorrow.......
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
A bit more flying
An early start saw us at Montellano just as the wind pulled on but also as it filled in. A couple of Spaniards provided the entertainment proving it was too strong on top. We split forces and Kaz took a group to check out the lower launch which is where we all ended up pretty soon. It was still windy and despite some flying including Michelle who made it look far too easy, we held fire for better conditions. A bit of fossil hunting a bit of watching some one trying to take off not @clipped in@ and a lot of sun bathing whiled away the time. the girls went for coffee whilst the boys waited it out.
By late afternoon things got better and Michelle and myself tested the air, it was improving. the girls returned and Kaz fired up the troops and was quickly in the air following Barry off the hill. Chris , Steve and Mark soon followed as the sky began to fill. Soon they were getting higher and higher as the evening lift kicked in. Michelle, Kaz, Steve and Mark all made it to the higher level and had some fantastic flying into the evening.
The girls gave the lower a miss and as the wind dropped we headed back to the top. Amazingly it was still very breezy up there so we gave it a miss, Still there were happy plots on the way home as the sun set.
Steve cooked an amazing meal which got the thumbs up all round and it was an early night.
By late afternoon things got better and Michelle and myself tested the air, it was improving. the girls returned and Kaz fired up the troops and was quickly in the air following Barry off the hill. Chris , Steve and Mark soon followed as the sky began to fill. Soon they were getting higher and higher as the evening lift kicked in. Michelle, Kaz, Steve and Mark all made it to the higher level and had some fantastic flying into the evening.
The girls gave the lower a miss and as the wind dropped we headed back to the top. Amazingly it was still very breezy up there so we gave it a miss, Still there were happy plots on the way home as the sun set.
Steve cooked an amazing meal which got the thumbs up all round and it was an early night.
Monday, November 01, 2010
A bit of Flying
With the front having passed we headed to the hills and our choice was Ronda La V. We were first there and guess what Michelle was first off the hill. Conditions were scratchy but he made the most of it before popping in on the side. Next we got the girls off for a top to bottom and they all did a fine job even putting in some soaring on the way down. The overnight rain had made the fields and the track a bit on the muddy side so we had a bit of a walk out still they had all done what was needed and hopefully conditions would improve so bottom landings would be avoided.
Indeed they did and soon gliders were soaring well and the site getting busier. Everyone had a great day and the girls all excelled themselves mixing it with the best of them and having some cracking flying before either top landing or slope landing. Mark and Steve rounded off the day by gliding out to the main road in formation whist Michelle did it in his own unique manner lading somewhere else.
It was a happy bunch that returned to Algo .
Indeed they did and soon gliders were soaring well and the site getting busier. Everyone had a great day and the girls all excelled themselves mixing it with the best of them and having some cracking flying before either top landing or slope landing. Mark and Steve rounded off the day by gliding out to the main road in formation whist Michelle did it in his own unique manner lading somewhere else.
It was a happy bunch that returned to Algo .
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