Operating in the Southwest providing tuition and sales for pilots throughout the country
Our Blog is an up to date record of what we have been up to both in the school and out of it. We endeavour to update it as regularly as possible and include a sample the days pictures when available.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Seasons Greetings and Apologies
Seasons Greetings to you all and apologies to Ray D who got totally missed of the Blog report for the 22nd. Ray had a good day not only sorting getting into his harness easily but also polishing off his Speed bar task so completing his CPC and qualifying, well done Ray, how could I have missed you...........
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Relaxed day
It was a more relaxed day in the field with the winch back in full working order and both drums running. Despite the forecast sunshine not appearing it was pleasant enough in the field with similar conditions to yesterday. Jerry W plugged away at his Hang Gliding EPC and got within spitting distance of it but still found getting consistent results a challenge over his 12 flights. Steve M and Graham A both had a progressive day working their ways through the final stages of the CPC tasks before enjoying some "free" flying have completed them all in fine style. putting away 8 tows apiece before we opted for an early day so they could take their exams which they both passed so become qualified pilots on the tow, congratulations.
Monday, December 22, 2008
It was a busy day on the tow field with all sorts going on. The day started with a winch problem resulting in only one line being available but due to Bills sterling service on the bike things still ran smoothly. Jeremy W was back on the line on the Hang Glider and was getting the hang of turns by the end of the day. Steve M and Graham A kept pace with each other as they progressed nicely into their CPC tasks ending up with the speed bar task so getting them nicely set up for the "instability" ones. Nick F finished off his paramotor restricted tasks with 3 great flights all ending in good stand up landings. Pete L joined him on his paramotor and had a good time. Kieth W was out for some towing for the first time after having his hip replaced and quickly got it sorted. Wanda S also dropped by but her first tow was not so good resulting in an early day.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
End of my tether
Whilst most were complaining about the weather we had a good time out on the hill at Perranporth where we were tethering Hang Gliders. Jeremy W (Herofordshire) was back down and did a great job in the brisk conditions getting in loads of airtime giving him plenty of time to settle back in in readiness for towing tomorrow. Phil S came by to try out his new Woody Valley Flex harness for size and looked really cool as he "soared" as high as the ropes would let him whilst practising getting in and out of prone in readiness for his hill conversion when the wind is right. Kaz even gave it a go ad also looked nice and relaxed as she got the hang of it resulting in some super flights. Thanks to Al J for his work on the ropes giving a good day to all. Sorry no pictures but they would have been good!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Hills are alive
It was good to see a "crowd" at Perranporth to enjoy what was a lovely couple of hours flying. By the time we arrived having done the morning chores ex students Bill n and Dean F had been up for over half an hour already. I quickly joined them along with four other ex students, Pete L, Wanda S Ray M (old Ray) Mark F to enjoy the lifty conditions. With a few other pilots around it was a very sociable morning. The wind filled in by lunchtime making it unflyable for most and seeing a couple of pilots land further away from the normal landing area than they wished! Still it was good to get out, enjoy the sunshine, socialise and make plans for our trip to lanzarote which still has a couple of places left if you want to come along.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Patience is a virtue
With reports from Carbis that it was still on the breezy for Paragliders we headed down after lunch hoping it would drop as forecast so Steve D could finish off his hill soaring tasks that he started on our trip to Spain. Sure enough it was breezy but after an hour or so it showed some signs of dropping so we got Steve to practice ground handling in conditions which he had not experienced before. He did well and after the initial excitement he was soon looking confident as he moved slowly but surely back across the field. Another hour and the sun started to get low in the sky, we set a 16.00hrs deadline which came and went and at 16.05 Steve went for it and was rewarded with a cracking flight under a brilliantly coloured sky. 15 minutes of soaring was followed by his first ever to landing before doing it all again and landing after the sun set.
It was a happy bunny that walked back to the car in the gloom. Watch out for him on the hill.....
It was a happy bunny that walked back to the car in the gloom. Watch out for him on the hill.....
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Something to do before you are thirty
Twins Sim and Roma T had decided to try Tandem flights before they are thirty and today was the day leaving them a few to spare. Conditions at Perranporth were spot on with a fresh WNW breeze and plenty of sea thermals to play with. Sim was first up and we quickly climbed out in the strong lift to around the 500' mark. It was a cracking flight ending in a perfect landing and big smiles. Next was Roma who had to overcome her fear of heights as we walked towards the edge. A classic launch saw us climb nicely away and it wasn't long before Roma began to relax and grip my wrist less tightly! We had a super time putting in 360's, stalls and low level passes before again getting a tippy toe landing to round things off.
Both girls looked pleased with themselves and had a fun time and not only that we had a great time too.
Nice to meet Geoff (South Africa)on the hill flying a model who was very sociable so say hello if you meet him. Also good to see Ady turn up and waste no time in getting into the air which is where we left him as we headed home.
Both girls looked pleased with themselves and had a fun time and not only that we had a great time too.
Nice to meet Geoff (South Africa)on the hill flying a model who was very sociable so say hello if you meet him. Also good to see Ady turn up and waste no time in getting into the air which is where we left him as we headed home.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Time for Two
It was a damp day in the field despite a promising forecast. Still it did not dampen our spirits and by 11.00 we were hard at it. Mick F was back for his second day on the Hanger and had a cracking day moving onto release flights and gentle turns by the end of it with 16 tows to his credit. Guess what, he's going for the full course so watch his progress.
Steve m was back for more on the Paraglider having missed a day whilst away up country. he did really well working through the EPC flights before putting his first high flights and circuits giving him a total of 17 tows for the day. They both dropped by for a cuppa on the way home and Steve rounded off the day by taking and passing his EPC exam so becoming qualified and officially starting on his CPC. Gunny and Bill dropped by the field and helped out with the bike riding leaving Coady to socialize on the winch..quite a nice damp december day I guess.
Steve m was back for more on the Paraglider having missed a day whilst away up country. he did really well working through the EPC flights before putting his first high flights and circuits giving him a total of 17 tows for the day. They both dropped by for a cuppa on the way home and Steve rounded off the day by taking and passing his EPC exam so becoming qualified and officially starting on his CPC. Gunny and Bill dropped by the field and helped out with the bike riding leaving Coady to socialize on the winch..quite a nice damp december day I guess.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Fun for One
With a forecast of rain moving in by evening we got off to an early start in the field where Mick F (Hampshire) was along for a go at Hang Gliding having checked us out yesterday. Mick did well with the ground work and was soon running across the field with the glider flying nicely above him. Next it was onto the winch following a short rain break and he took to it well. By early afternoon he was full, so giving us an early day, having put away 10 tows ending up with him flying smoothly at 40 ' and performing good landings. His appetite wetted he will be back for another day and then maybe a course, wait and see..
Sunday, December 07, 2008
More Sun than you can shake a stick at..
It was a lovely day in the field where we arrived to find no wind at all so rather than get caught out we settled down to do a littl theory while we waited to see what it would do. By 11.00 it filled in from the South so we set up only to find it increased to top end very quickly. I gave it a go to test conditions and confirmed it was on the breezy side by performing the amazing tail gate shutting trick..... Another theory session took us to lunch time after which it began to drop again. A couple of test flights and we got going. Graham A (Torrington) built on his previous experience and was soon performing nice turns across the field followed by good into wind landings. By the end of the day he was putting in his first high flights and circuits and even landing near the spot to round of a cracking day for him with a total of thirteen tows, well not quite, he dropped by for a cuppa on his way home and polished of his EPC exam in fine style so qualifying and starting on his CPC, nice one.
Nick F got back on the Paramotor and did a first class take off, flight and landing and was ready for a second when the pull starter slipped its knot curtailing activities for the day.
Phil S was down for some flying on his Hang Glider and just got better and better with each Tow regaining his confidence after a bit of a break (not literally) in preparation for the hill.
Pete L buzzed around the field on his unit and proved it was still windy "up top". Adam W dropped by for a few tows and did a fine job in the buoyant evening air.
Mick F (Hampshire) came to see us and will hopefully start his Hang Gliding course whilst he is down here working to add to his Paragliding that he already does.
A bit of a stop start day again but even so a lot got done and learnt and most importantly we had FUN! Sorry no piccies forgot the camera again...
Nick F got back on the Paramotor and did a first class take off, flight and landing and was ready for a second when the pull starter slipped its knot curtailing activities for the day.
Phil S was down for some flying on his Hang Glider and just got better and better with each Tow regaining his confidence after a bit of a break (not literally) in preparation for the hill.
Pete L buzzed around the field on his unit and proved it was still windy "up top". Adam W dropped by for a few tows and did a fine job in the buoyant evening air.
Mick F (Hampshire) came to see us and will hopefully start his Hang Gliding course whilst he is down here working to add to his Paragliding that he already does.
A bit of a stop start day again but even so a lot got done and learnt and most importantly we had FUN! Sorry no piccies forgot the camera again...
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